A Circuitous Path Forged by Creativity and a Passion for Learning

“I have a deep belief in the spirit and hope in our future. Through technology, empathy and understanding, expression, and service to others, it is ours to make rather than respond to. Be bold. Leadership is a path forged not followed.”

Born and raised in Southern California, John attended Polytechnic School in Pasadena, and is the son of first generation immigrants from China and Indonesia. Both of his parents were accomplished leaders in the fields of law and library sciences. Early on, John aspired to be a painter and attended Parsons School of Design in New York.

After graduating from Parsons, John, Like any other young artist had to find a way to make his way and found himself at a small Asian American theater company, Pan Asian Repertory Theatre, where he served as a development assistant and grants writer. This experience led the foundation for a career in arts administration and ended up at Lincoln Center Theater where he spearheaded the establishment of their technology department. All throughout, John continued to create art and does so to today.

Currently the Director of Technology at Polytechnic School in Pasadena, CA, John has a rich and diverse background of professional experience ranging from arts administration, fundraising, finance, technology, and diversity, equity and inclusion work. Through the arc of his 30-year career, John has a breadth and depth of experience that spans the arts, education, and nonprofit administration.

John served on Polytechnic School’s Heads Equity and Inclusion Committee, Return to Campus Steering Committee, PolySolves Learning Spaces and Materials Sub-Committee, and was a co-chair of the Technology Committee and the Equity and Inclusion Cohort. He has taught robotics, coding, human development, serves as a middle school advisor, middle school student APISA affinity group advisor, middle school DEI team member, and is a frequent outdoor education chaperone.

He also serves the broader community as a member of several board appointed committees including the Blackbaud K-12 Advisory Board and the ATLIS DEI Advisory Committee, and has also served as a member of the Rolling Hills Preparatory School board, the Scouts BSA Greater Los Angeles Areas Council Technology Committee, and has volunteered for the Partnership for Success, a private/public school partnership program serving Pasadena area students.

John holds a bachelor's degree in Fine Arts from Parsons School of Design and is a Master’s degree candidate at the Klingenstein Center Leadership Academy at Teachers College, Columbia University.

He is passionate about the outdoors, running, photography and art.

John is a husband and father of two. His wife is a Physician's Assistant in Cardiology. His eldest attends Reed College as a linguistics and anthropology major, and his youngest attends Polytechnic School and is passionate about football and the sciences.